Décoration 75 · 100 cuisines et salles de bains, N/A
Louchel, 1975. Softcover. 132 pages. 30,5 x 24 cm. Text in French. Used. VG · Minor signs of wear on spine and covers -small stains on the back cover- Where do you take inspiration from? What's wrong?, out of ideas? Don't worry, friends, here is 100 kitchens for you!  Under this heading this issue it shows Avant-garde styles, trend colours, the blending of unexpected materials, an undreamed of storage... Plus an incredible bathrooms section.  More contemporary than ever! The old made new!  Early seventies Paris throws up the best magazines and interiors books, an example is 'Decoration. Tradition et Renouveau', very dear to us, or the dance partner of this issue 'Decoration 74 · 100 studios'. Take a look inside! And It's up to you now to feel inspired.